Wonders of the World - Earth's Shadow

. . . One of the amazing things I get to experience as a pilot are sights that on the ground I and don't get to see.  There is a completely different perspective in flight.  With the routes we fly at the altitudes we fly at, I witness things I never dreamt of as a kid . . . and I dreamt heaps growing up! . . .

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Bangkok City Architecture

Walking around or looking from on high, Bangkok is this beautiful mess of styles and architecture; moreover, it is a bit captivating - more than one would usually think.  Imagine sandwiching a Da Vinci and a Rembrandt within a Picasso and Dali.  That's a display I want to see in a gallery!

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My Life, My Camera

I believe I am officially the latest, as in I am way late, to the blogging party!

The days of organically posting shots and commentary on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are pretty much over.  Thanks to the monetizing algorithms employed by these two giants . . . errrrr . . . giant as IG is owned by FB, one has to pay to play so to speak.

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