My Life, My Camera

I believe I am officially the latest, as in I am way late, to the blogging party!

The days of organically posting shots and commentary on social media platforms such as Facebook and Instagram are pretty much over.  Thanks to the monetizing algorithms employed by these two giants . . . errrrr . . . giant as IG is owned by FB, one has to pay to play so to speak.

It's unfortunate, but true . . .

So, I am firing up the blog in the hopes that people who like my style of photography will find my little bit of space here in the 'net universe.  Sincerely, I hope you enjoy, and if you do please invite others to view.  If you don't like it - oh well, I can't win 'em all.

A bit about me:  I am 45 years old.  I am an American living in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.  I travel all over the world and I use a Nikon D750.  My daily go to lens is a Tamron 24-70mm f/2.8 which is almost always attached to my Nikon.  I also have a trusted nifty fifty f/1.8 as well as a 24-120mm.

I am torn on whether I want to keep the 24-120 or not . . . thoughts?

Needless to say, I love travel photography as well as architecture, street, land & city scapes, sunrises and sunsets, and shooting people.

It seems I am always learning, and just when I have it figured out . . . at least in my mind . . . boom!  Something else to learn comes my way.  Story of life . . .

My travel photography is in the middle of an overhaul.  I will post this here on the blog as well as other social media outlets.  But, more pictures as well as better resolution will be here.  The style will be reminiscent of the old Life magazine photo essays.  I miss Life magazine . . .

So, sit back, relax, and enjoy the visual and textual journey that is about to happen.  Feel free to drop me a comment or two.  It gets lonely here in the blogoverse . . . 

Follow me on Instagram @CLD.Photography
Follow me on Facebook at CLD.Photography1
Follow me on Twitter @therealcdean